As part of these terms of Service, you agree to be legally bound by these terms between the Government of the USA and JIC Shadows, a company registered under US law (“you”/“your”). In connection with requests for ground transportation from third-party carriers (“Services”), these Terms govern your access and use of all platforms, applications, websites, content, products, and services available by JIC Shadows.


These Terms are subject to modification or update from time to time by JIC Shadows, which takes effect upon posting an updated version of these Terms on JIC Shadows ’s website. The date at the bottom of these Terms will be updated upon any such modifications or updates being made available to you via email, the Services, or by updating the date at the top. Enduring to use the Services after any such modifications or updates shall constitute your consent to such modifications. In the event that JIC Shadows modifies, adjusts, suspends, or discontinues the Services (or any part thereof), it will not be liable to you or to a third party. It is your understanding that a modification of these Terms does not provide you with an opportunity to opt-out of arbitration (if applicable) unless material changes are made to these arbitration provisions.

License for Platforms

You are granted a restricted, non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, revocable, non-transferable license by JIC Shadows subject to your compliance with these Terms. Your admittance to and use of the JIC Shadows booking platform, and related technology, is solely for your personal use. Additionally, you may access and utilize any information, content, and related materials that may be made available through the Services in the event that any rights are not expressly granted herein, JIC Shadows reserves all rights.

User’s Contract

As a user, you agree to follow all applicable laws and to use and access the Services only for lawful purposes (for example, no dangerous or illegal materials may be transported). When using the Services, you agree that you will refrain from harming the Third-Party Carrier or any other party, including JIC Shadows employees, agents, or contractors, by causing harm, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, or property damage. Furthermore, you agree not to engage in or permit any third party to engage in any conduct that is in violation of JIC Shadows ’s User Guidelines, which shall be incorporated into these Terms.

Fee collection

To collect amounts due, JIC Shadows will utilize all legal methods available, including the hiring of collection agencies or legal counsel. You may be notified of late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account by JIC Shadows or by the collection agency retained by it to credit bureaus. Thus, your credit report may reflect such defaults. Additionally, delinquent accounts or chargebacks will be subject to charges for collection fees and/or convenience fees, as well as any other fees and/or charges incurred as a result of collecting delinquent accounts or chargebacks. You may contact [Enter Website] if you wish to dispute information JIC Shadows has reported to a credit bureau.